

It is the opinion of the author of this survey that many of our societal problems have their root cause in the following two areas.

  1. Belief systems (paradigms of how the world works) that at the worst lead to destructive behaviours or at best they lead to less than optimal performance of a society.
  2. Human nature is primarily self-focused and not the good of the whole.

We set up different governments, laws and regulations to try to compensate for these human weaknesses, but at best we do not get at the root cause.

My attempt here is to try to find a common set of values, human attributes that everyone could agree to despite one’s religious or atheist or ethnic background.

Through a number of one-on-one interviews I have identified the following attributes who various people feel are important that citizens of a successful, sustainable society would need to have.

The human race is getting to the point where it is starting to have the ability to significantly impact all life on this planet.  I strongly feel that we need to get our act together and agree on just what kind of people we want to be.  Are we going to be a benevolent race or a destructive one.

My intention is to pass the findings from this survey on to those organizations identified in this survey as input for their decision making.   This is but one step in a very long journey.

The following are a number of key attributes that were identified as the result of a number of one-on-one interviews with individuals from various stripes of life.

  1. Generous
  2. Respectful of Nature
  3. Disciplined
  4. Open Minded
  5. Able to accept that there is a mystery to life
  6. Searching
  7. Interdependent
  8. Caring
  9. Optimistic
  10. Courageous
  11. Family oriented
  12. Creative
  13. Unselfish
  14. Knowledgeable
  15. Humble
  16. Grateful
  17. Understanding of cause and effect (wise)
  18. Persevering
  19. Peaceful
  20. Filled with love and compassion
  21. Sense of Humor
  22. Respectful of one’s own mind, body and emotions
  23. Communicative
  24. Respectful
  25. Full of Purpose
  26. Resilient
  27. Responsible
  28. Hard working
  29. Efficient
  30. Honest
  31. Forgiving

This survey is just a narrowing tool in order to focus in on the important few attributes people think are key to a successful society.  The next step in the process is to flesh out these few attributes and identify what is really meant by each of these.   A far greater discussion needs to place in regard to these key attributes and just how they would play out under various situations and circumstances.  Finally, after some agreement, the question is how is agreement reached amongst all the key players and just how are they translated into the behaviors of people in a society.

Below is the link to the survey that I have created.  To access the survey click on this link which will take you to another page.  On this page click on the survey link again and the survey will open.  Fill in all the answers on the survey.  It is not necessary to identify yourself if you do not wish to (I don’t intend to use this personal information at this point in time anyway).

Click the submit button and the information will be sent on to me for input into the overall data that I am collecting.


Attributes Survey

Below are some of the results that I have collected at this point in time.  I will update this as I gather more input.  There are some very interesting results starting to develop.

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In this particular graph you will note that most people find these attributes to be of significant importance and for the most part they are satisfied that the people they know have them.  This seems to confirm the findings of the UN when it did a happiness survey of the various countries in the world (including Canada).

The top six of most importance on the graph are (in order):

  1.  Honest
  2. Caring
  3. Respectful of Others
  4. Forgiving
  5. Hard Working
  6. Respectful of Nature

The bottom six of least importance are (in order):

  1.  Knowledgeable
  2. Creative
  3. Searching
  4. Mystery to Life
  5. Courageous
  6. Humble
  7. Persevering

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This graph is the result of taking a statistical correlation between the overall satisfaction that people gave and the individual satisfactions for each attribute.

This particular graph gives us information as to which attributes are the primary attributes which drive overall satisfaction.

The top six greatest drivers of satisfaction are (in order):

  1.  Respectful of others
  2. Caring
  3. Courageous
  4. Optimistic
  5. Unselfish
  6. Interdependent

The six least important are (in order):

  1.  Mystery to life
  2. Searching
  3. Disciplined
  4. Honest
  5. Knowledgeable
  6. Family Oriented

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This chart shows some very interesting results.  If you are familiar with histograms they tend to create a bell curve which is indicative of a normal population that has variation.  This particular graph seems to be indicating that there are two populations.  One that is fairly satisfied that the people they know have many of the attributes identified in the survey.  However, there seems to be another population that is very dissatisfied.  This might be a very useful tool in our school system for identifying students are struggling in their lives.

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This chart shows which organizations in our society that they feel can have the most impact on these attributes.

The following are some of the recommendations that I received.  They are ordered by the above organizations.


  • Have the education system to educate on moral’s, values, love, the difference between right and wrong. To make peace and not war.  As this may not be taught by parents in broken homes, unloving families or simply in homes with no parents at all for whatever reason.
  • Progressive Parenting Programs
  • Culling educators that do not make the grade
  • I believe schools have the responsibility of teaching the concept of brotherhood, not only from a Canadian point of view but from a position of realizing of how we relate to others in an international sense.
  • Have a course/class discussion exercises on values, ethics, etc.
  • Fund the universities to research what constitutes the best human attributes that lead to successful and sustainable societies. (psychological, sociological and neuro-scientists)
  • Schools need to also include classes on interpersonal issues, discussion on racism, sexuality, bullying, abuse of power, etc.We should adjust our school curriculum such that academic learning is accelerated that most of what needs to be taught is complete by grade 9
  • From grade 10 to 12 the focus should be on preparing the children for life i.e.. Apprentice ships, basic understanding of human motivation (psychology), raising children,

  • We should adjust our school curriculum such that academic learning is accelerated that most of what needs to be taught is complete by grade 9
  • From grade 10 to 12 the focus should be on preparing the children for life i.e.. Apprentice ships, basic understanding of human motivation (psychology), raising children,
  • life skills training, an understanding that learning does not end with school and needs to continue through out life, etc.)
  • Build a course into the school curriculum that teaches and encourages a dialogue on human/social values and their context in daily life.
  • Accelerate the academic training in the schools from K to 9 such that most of it is accomplished by grade 9 for the bulk of the students who are not likely to be continuing on to university. Use the last three years to prepare the students for life.  Things such as: life skills, apprentice ship training, parenting, basic psychology, economic frugalness, etc.
  • Implement curriculum in schools to teach peace, love, kindness, honesty. Follow through into the health care system.


  • Promoting neighborhood & community groups
  • Encourage various groups to have the issue of values/attributes/characteristics as an item on their agenda, groups such as: NGO’s, parent teacher association, municipal councils, school boards, corrections Canada, etc.
  • Lobby the government to research and institute more programs that lead to less recidivism in criminals and leads criminals to more successful lives in society (reduce the focus on punishment)
  • Make a strong emphasis to reach a consensus amongst Canadians in regard to a common set of values/attributes
  • At our local governance level encourage a dialogue on human values and an earnest effort to be made to come to a collective agreement as to what these might be.


  • Lobby/find reasons to motivate the media to promote these values/attributes (video games, movies, radio and TV, raise the profile in the social media)
  • The quickest means of delivering a message in our society is through media/social media plants the seed.
  • Find creative ways to encourage the MEDIA to build these values into what they are presenting to the public and to children.

Law and Order

  • Implement better correction in prison system as opposed to punitive measures.

Religious Organizations

  • Ecumenical churches – as churches are now failing to meet the needs of people, they need to become Spiritual centers with less focus on dogma and more focus on discussion of spiritual needs. The truth is less important than your truth. Our society must renew its moral fabric.
  • Rather than our churches folding and closing, they need to join together, eliminate the dogma and look to the message only.

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